Another story by Rabbi Dolgin

Rabbi Dolgin tell another story how one day he received a call “Rabbi – I called to express my hakoras hatov – you saved my life!”. Eight years ago, at the age of 36, I was working many hours a day and did not learn a word – tomorrow I am...

Rabbi Dolgin tells a great story

One evening – about two years ago, I was sitting down to dinner when I received an interesting phone call. “Reb Sender” the man said, “I am calling to express hakoras hatov to you – you saved my life”! He went on to explain that his nine-year-old son had...

A Lakewood balabus

Several years ago, a Lakewood balabus, who had limited time available to dedicate to Torah study made a decision that he was going to give this method a shot. He diligently followed the program every single day – for thirteen years – and just celebrated a...

A kollel yungerman

A kollel yungerman, after several years in yeshiva, started to feel that he was “burning out” and began looking to leave the yeshiva. A friend of his told him about the chaburah that was using this learning and chazorah program. After a very short time in...

A businessman finds time to learn

Another fellow who recently opened his own business and would put in a very long day at the office, has taught himself to find time that didn’t exist. For instance, instead of driving to business meetings, he now tries to find a way to take public...